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The STPM3x is an ASSP family of mixed signals designed for high accuracy measurement of power and energy in power line systems using the Rogowski coil, current transformer or shunt current sensors. The STPM3x devices provide instantaneous voltage and current waveforms and calculate voltage and current RMS values, active, reactive and apparent powers and energies for each channel. All calculated data, as well as configuration parameters, are stored in internal bit registers accessible through SPI or UART peripheral. UM - Rev 3 - March www. UM Overview. In the case of improper use, wrong installation or malfunction, there is a danger of serious personal injury and damage to property.
All operations such as: transport, installation, and commissioning, as well as maintenance, should be carried out by skilled technical personnel national accident prevention rules must be observed only. Table 1. Operating conditions. Parameter Value. Table 2. L2 2 Secondary voltage. I1 Primary current I2 Secondary current. Table 3. J5 connector pinout. Connector pin STPM3x pin. Table 4. J6 SPI connector pinout. Name Description. In this case, all SW1 switches should be in ON position when the device powers up. If UART connection is used, a separate 3. For the board version 1 only: UART peripheral also communicates to the device.
RS port is isolated from the board through Si transceiver to safely connect the board to PC; in this case, J3 jumper must be connected. Table 5. J2 UART connector. Main design parameters are listed in the below table. Table 6. Channel Parameter Value. Current sensor sensitivity kS 1 2. Secondary current 4 kS current sensor sensitivity 2. R1, R2 names do not refer to specific resistors on the schematic, but these names indicate voltage divider resistors. A 22 nF capacitor in parallel with R2 implements an antialiasing filter for voltage signal.
Regarding to current signal, the antialiasing filter is given by a 10 nF capacitor and 2 x 1 KOhm resistors. J11 jumper shorts VREF, or it can be used to connect the external precision voltage reference. Please note that, in boards using shunt, the shunt is at the same potential of voltage neutral Faston and therefore it is at the same potential of the board GND. When isolated power sources are used or phantom loads, this is not important. In case of connection to the mains, this must be taken into account since, according to the wire connected to the shunt, the board GND may be either at the 0 or V potential. Figure 4. Board connection to phantom load, dual-phase system STPM Figure 5. Figure 6. Board connection to phantom load, single-phase system STPM3x.
Figure 7. Please read the user manual, before using it. Put J4 enable jumper in EN position 2. Connect J7 connector to 3. Power on AC source and DC source 8. Open GUI 9. Now you can read, write, sample or calibrate the device. Power on AC source and DC source 7. Open GUI 8. Click "options", then "interface", select "USB" and select the proper "serial port", baud rate is 9. Connect J7 connector and J2 connectors to 3. Enable RS port by inserting J3 jumper 5. Connect the serial cable both to the board and to PC 7. Click "options", then "interface", select "UART" and select the proper "serial port", baud rate is All other parameters can be changed according to the needs board calibration, phase-shift compensation, desired output on the programmable pin,….
For further information on the device configuration, please refer to the STPM3x datasheet. Revision history Table 7. Document revision history. Date Revision Changes. Updated recommended readings, power supply, board setup and the device basic configuration section. Removed the schematic section. Added figure titled "Board connection to mains". Contents 1 Overview. List of tables Table 1. List of figures Figure 1. Board connection to mains. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product.
For additional information about ST trademarks, refer to www. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document. Открыть меню навигации. Закрыть список предложений Поиск Поиск. Пользовательские настройки. Улучшено с помощью ИИ.
This document describes an evaluation board for STPM3x energy measurement integrated circuits. It provides a way to test and evaluate the capabilities of the STPM3x chips. Сохранить Сохранить «umevalstpmevalstpmevalstpmevaluation Издание и описание с поддержкой ИИ. Сведения о документе нажмите, чтобы развернуть сведения о документе This document describes an evaluation board for STPM3x energy measurement integrated circuits. Оригинальное название umevalstpmevalstpmevalstpmevaluation-board-stmicroelectronics 2.
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